Monday, June 6, 2011

Florencia "Nature" Schlamp

After much pondering (something that I have the luxury of doing at much greater lengths now that I am in the beautiful land of Summer Break) I have realized one of the main barriers between me and writing in a blog is how unbearably boring I find it to think that other people might enjoy listening to me whine about how my classes are hard/not hard enough/too early/too late/life-consuming. Why would someone reading a blog titled "Searching for the Mad Ones" care for such trifle narrative? Isn't the point of the searching, to find these Mad Ones? Well, rhetorical device, you once again ask the right question and to that I believe I found the right answer. I hereby offer thou, the hauntingly attractive reader, a log of the mad ones that I've met along the way. Hopefully, in all your wisdom and ruggedly good looks you will forgive my lack of writing. Otherwise, I will continue kissing your metaphorical hindquarters (seriously, did you do something to your hair, you're looking great).

First up, a woman who might fit more under the label of "Crazy Ones" but mad nonetheless: Florencia Schlamp.

As you can see this is not the kind of person you approach with plans as dull as sitting near a fireplace sipping cognac and laughing at the lower/middle/higher classes and their folly/folly/folly. No, this is a woman who is well endowed with whatever organ secretes adventure, evidenced most prominently by the explosion of stress one can witness when she is deprived of the outside world to attend to her studies.
Florencia is studying to become a Bio major at the moment at NYUAD, working with scholar-of-action extraordinaire, Professor John Burt, a marine biologist who looks exactly like you'd expect a marine biologist to look:

Sharks are trained to punch this man in the nose in case of attack.

Overall, you might say the evidence for Florencia's madness is her love for nature (seriously people, we did not fight ourselves into houses to go back into the wild) but it is the passion with which she talks about what she loves that makes me consider her mad. We both arrived at NYUAD as tightly-wound balls of stress trying to survive workloads that would knock out a male elephant for hours. She's gotten much better at handling this and me. For being mad to live life to its fullest, mad to talk at any time or mad to save the nature we're trying so hard to get rid of, Florencia Schlamp is proof that I've started to find Mad Ones.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.”

-Helen Keller

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